Friday, May 23, 2008

"Blog Candy~ Giveaway #5 Grand Prize"

Can you believe it's Friday all ready? Man, this week went fast. As you know I am a resident instructor for the Scor-Pal. I truly love this product. This week I am giving away all the things that I love and the Scor-Pal is defiantly one of those products. I contacted Diana Crick, the creator of the Scor-Pal, and told her that I wanted to give away a Scor-Pal as blog candy for my 200,000 blog hit milestone and if I could order it with the winners name and she could send it to them. Diana not only said that she would send it to the winner, she also said that she would love to donate the Scor-Pal to the winner!! How cool is that! I know, I was so thrilled when she told me. She is a remarkable lady and so very generous. She congratulated me on my milestone and told me to let her know who the winner is and she will send them out a Scor-Pal right away. Thank you Diana for your generous gift, it means a lot to me. You Rock!!

This has been a fantastic week for me and I hope for you as well. I really have had a good time with the giveaways. I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to all of you. Thank you for all your comments, for visiting my blog, being my friend, and for being an important part of my life. I feel like I know you all a little more and you know me better as well. I have been blogging for almost two years now and it has been one of the best experience I have had. Over 200,000 hits is huge for me and I owe it all to you. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.

For a chance to win this SUPER COOL grand prize, leave me a comment. You can say anything. I just want to hear from you. And once again, thank you for all of your support.

The deadline for wining this fantastic blog candy is Sunday May 25th. I will draw all the names Sunday at midnight my time and announce the winners on Monday May 26th. Please feel free to enter to win all of the blog candy that is being offered this week. You can win more than once. You have to enter each one though. One entry doesn't enter you in all of the giveaways.


Tiffany said...

Great grand prize giveaway!

Thanks for the chance to win. I love your blog!!!

Wrapped up in Life said...

Thanks for the opp - hope to win this for my Mom!

CricketPE said...

What a great prize! Thanks so much for the opportunity and congratulations on your hits!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Ahhhhhh...this is #1 on my want list!!! Fingers crossed!!!

Cindy Vernon said...

Wow, now that is a fabulous grand prize giveaway. Thanks for being so generous and I'm sure that your hits will continue!

Lorri said...

Wow your blog is like CHRISTMAS! You are not only VERY talented but VERY VERY GENEROUS!! Love your blog, thanks for sharing with us!

PatsyB said...

This is so sad! It's the last day of the blog candy!OH, well, it was so much fun while it lasted. Whether I win or not, it was great to feel a part of so much excitement!! Go Rochelle!!!!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! I am so wanting one of these, just because of YOU!!! This is Gina in West Tennessee and Rochelle...YOU ROCK!

Anonymous said...

the ultimate give away~wow!
I don't have that particular toy yet. tami c in VA

Unknown said...

My goodness this is some wonderful candy, so nice for it to be donated to the winner. That goes to prove you and your block are ROCKIN and we are all paying attention to your creations. Truly you do such a great job with all of your projects it is totally amazing.

Anonymous said...

Oh my this is amazing! I've been drooling over the Scor Pal for quite some time! Great job with the blog and your daily creative inspiration!
Barb M (greetings from PA)

Anonymous said...

How cool. You're blog is great - I enjoy all the fresh ideas.

This is Robin in Colorado.

Nicole said...

Congrats, Rochelle! You've been rockin' it all week! :D

Anonymous said...

OMG! What an awesome Grand Prize! All I can say, Ms. Rochelle, is that it's fun that you're sharing the stuff that you actually USE and love. The mfgrs should be paying you for being spokesperson for their products! Pick ME! Pick ME! Please, please! Please! Please! .... Please????????

Diana said...

WOW- WEEEEEEEEEEEEE what a gift ...It almost makes you wanna cry when you meet someone like that ...I know forI would love to own this ...But its great coming and learning all the wonderful things you teach and meeting you is wonderful as well ..blows me away when you meet some one wonderful ..It doesnt happen to offten least not to me ..
This will be fun ..I could use an uplift like this LOL
ill be crossing everyting till MOnday ..
thanKs for being You ...
Diana Molinaro

Basement Stamper said...

Isn't Diana awesome! She is so generous and I can't believe that I have not ordered one of these yet, but I haven't. It's on my list though.

You are awesome! What great give-aways this week and how much fun for us readers!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! I would love to win this!! I've been wanting to order one since I saw how easy it is!!

Thank you so much for the chance to win this!!

Here's to another 200,000 hits!!!

Melissa G.
Long Island, NY

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your blog every day and trying out new ideas. You do a great job and your grand prize is priceless!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle!

The fact that you share everything so enthusiastically is a real gift of friendship to "all of us out here"!!!

I don't own a Scor-Pal yet but would like to some day! Maybe today???

Thanks so much!
Lady G

sandyh50 said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win this Scor-Pal! I would love to win one. I also predict that you will hit 300,000 in no time at all! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Wow - great giveaway! I check your blog for ideas everyday!
Thanks for everything.

Mrs. Coleman said...

Hi Rochelle! Entering all your Blog Candy give-aways has been SO MUCH FUN!! I love your blog! You've inspired me in SO many ways, and now are inspiring me to get my own blog (started last August) up and running so *I* can give away some Blog Candy!
Hugs for your day!

Anonymous said...

I really like all your ideas. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that I would win the score pal so I can try it out.

Theresa Momber said...

You weren't kidding when you said it would be big. This is a great giveaway.

How generous of Diana to donate the Scor-Pal.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I was just sent the link to your site by a fellow card maker....I'm just starting out and need all the help I can get...Your site is full of great ideas and wonderful instructions....I can't wait to case a few!!!! Thanks so much for sharing your talent with those of us who need the inspiration!!!

Anonymous said...

***THUD*** OUCH.....I just FELL off my chair.....OMG!!! ME ME....**jumpiing up and down like a kid*** PICK ME PICK ME!!!! OHOH...I want it I want it!!!

You ROCK, girlfriend!!

Hillsboro Oregon

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I have wanted one of these for so long! I'm excited!!!

Unknown said...

Oh my how much fun it would be to add this to my stamping corner. Thanks for the chance Rochelle! Your blog is jam-packed with cool ideas.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! I just knew it would be a Scor Pal, it is on the top of my wish list. Thanks for the chance to win this, you are so sweet.

Anonymous said...

OOOHH....a Scor-Pal- don't have one, thinking one might be fun!

Have a great weekend!!


Kelley said...

WOW! What an awesome opportunity! I usually check your blog daily, but with 2 sick little ones and no sleep, there has been no time (or energy) for me to be on the computer. Congrats on the hits. I've cased many of your creations and get many compliments on them. Thank you for the inspiration.

Regina Cornelius said...

you have got to be kidding me!!!! everyday...i is she going to top today??? thisis an unbelievable blog candy. thanks for the opportunity to win it...thanks for theopportunity to win 5 different, wonderful prizes!!!

congrats on your milestone!

Kelley said...

WOW!!! This thing is awesome! I really love your work. Thanks for the opportunity to play all week. Keep on crafting! :)

Tina said...

Good Friday Rochelle! So, I was wondering if you ever got that prize you won, while on the treadmill talking to that guy? What was it a camper? Just wondering, cause everytime I'm on the treadmill, and a guy gets on the one next to me, I remember that story. And, by the way Thank You for letting us know about Quick Dry Adhesive, I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Enter me too!

ThreadCatcher said...

What an AWESOME grand prize! I am so hoping my name gets picked! Have a wonderful weekend, I can't wait to see who wins all the super prizes and to see what you have been creating lately. Thanks for the chance to win. jmniffer

Melissa said...

Holy moly Rochelle! What an awesome way to end your celebration week!! You go girl!

Many Blessings,

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rochelle! I have been needing a Scor-Pal! If I don't win this one, I am just going to have to get one for myself. Thanks for the chance to win it.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Maaan! I have a cheap version of a scoring tool and have had the Scor-pal on my wishlist for a looong time. I've used one at workshops and think that they are fantastic! I'm crossing my fingers and toes and eyes for a win here.

Now, the unselfish side of me wants you to know that you are a very generous woman with your time and your sharing and all of the things that you do for friends and family. May you have 2 more years of blogging fun!

Leah said...

woo hoo! This is something that's recently been added to my craft wishlist! What an AWESOME tool! Congrats again & thanks for sharing your time & talent with the are appreciated! :D

Tamara said...

That was super generous of her! Thanks for offering such great blog candy for visiting your blog--which is plenty fun all on its own!

Deb Neerman said...

Wowza, Rochelle, this is some serious blog candy!!!

I'd love to win this amazing tool, obviously, so thank you so much for the opportunity!

I have you subscribed in my Snarfer and really enjoy your posts and your projects!


Anonymous said...

I've been drooling over that scor-pal for a while now. It would be so cool to win one.
Hope you have a great day.

GabrielaD said...

ooh... I would love to win this beauty!!! Thanks for the opportunity.


Anonymous said...

I love seeing your ideas. You've really got some great ones. Thanks

Anonymous said...

AMAZING! How generous :)
Well I "stalk" you daily! I can't imagine going a whole day without stopping bye!

Thanks for all the fun this week!
Rosie in Colorado

Lilian said...

wow! that is so great of her to donate one for us to win. i have been admiring the projects that you have done with the scor-pal so it would be exciting to win one! :)

happy anniversary again.

JoAnna Goodman said...

WOW! This giveaway is awesome!! You have outdone yourself!! I have absolutely enjoyed visiting your blog over the past year! I am so glad we've become good friends -- you rock!! Congrats on your hits!! Thanks for the chance at all this great blog candy!!

Steph said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Scott Franson Photography said...

Oh my gosh, what an amazing blog prize! I'd love to win it, that's for sure. You have a lot of inspiration on your blog and I really enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Rochelle, I just found your blog and it's wonderful! What a great prize, I've been thinking about getting a Scor-Pal. Congratulations on your 200,000 blog hit milestone!

de said...

I think I've said this each post but I will say it again! You're awesome! And not just because of your goodie give away. And the grand prize, wow, VERY GRAND! I look forward to seeing who won and your next inspirational project! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Anonymous said...

WOW !!!!!


Mrs. Langford said...

Wowweeee!! I am so excited about the chance of winning a Scor-Pal. I hope that you will continue to share your creativity and inspiration...I look forward to your blog each and every day. Keep up the fantastic work :)

Krista said...

What a way to end the week! An awesome giveaway!! I can't think of a better prize than this. How cool! Hope I win,

Anonymous said...

i just love your blog, you inspire me I'm looking every day your blog to see new idea... so thanks for every thing you share with us.. Sorry for my english i'm a french girl.. living in Montreal canada.. Hoping to win your blog candy.
Have a verry nice week-end!
Helene White

Laura said...

Wow!! Awesome grand prize!!! I have just enjoyed reading your blog and even going back to the archives and reading from the beginning!! Have a great weekend!!

Dawn said...

ROCK ON! Okay, I'm totally not entering to win the Scor-Pal, just wanted to say what a wonderful product it is. I've been using mine for a few months and seriously don't know how I ever lived without it! I love your work:)

Anonymous said...

What a generous gift! I have been wanting one after reading your blog. Keep up the awesome work and wonderful ideas. I visit your blog daily just to see what new and innovative idea that you have come up with. You are so generous with your time and ideas. I especially like how you provide directions and supply suggestions. It really helps when I CASE your creations. Thanks for all that you do!

Niki in IL

Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle! I'm very curious about the Scor Pal because you talk about it all the time!

Anonymous said...

WOW. I check your blog every morning just part of my routine. Been one of your fans for over a year now, keep up your great work and Congratulation again on your blog numbers.
Eliz. Peters

Anonymous said...

WOW!! What an awesome give away!! You ROCK!! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Wow I have admired the Scor Pal for a while and really want one... you can do so many amazing things with that! I really appreciate your creativity, especially your "Wick Originals". Thanks for the fun week of blog candy. With all your originality I know 500,000 hits will come sooner than later!

Unknown said...

WOW! This is so exciting! I don't have one of these yet, but hear about them all the time. Thanks so much for all the wonderful give aways this week and good luck to everyone!

SusanH said...

Wowza! That's a lotta bloggin'! Congratulations!!! And I just go to play with a Scor Pal last week - very cool product.

Beth Jacobs said...

How awesome..... Scor pal is on my wish list!!! Love your blog... very inspirational!!

Deanne Clarke said...

You are VERY generous!!! Thanks so much for everything yo do at your blog! I love the ideas you post! They are very inspirational!

Brenda H. said...

No way!! What an awesome give-away!! (Thanks Diana for being so generous!) Scor-Pal has been on my wishlist forevah...thanks for this chance to win!
~Brenda H.

Anonymous said...

I am Jamie from Columbiana, AL and just recently became a SU demonstrator. I think the Scor-Pal would make it sooooo much easier to prepare for workshops.

This is such a generous and awesome give-away.

Thanks again for all of your inspiration.

Jamie B.

Kirsten said...

Wowzers! What an awesome prize. I just want to say thanks again for keeping up on this wonderful blog. Your work is great, I can't tell you how many times I have come to your site and recieved the needed inspiration for numerous projects.


Katie said...

Love the blog! Keep it up! And thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Wowza!What a great piece of candy. Better yet, this is like going to the blog candy store :) I always come to your blog to fill up on inspiration but how cool has this extra nibble been this week. Thanks bunches! Katherine

Michelle Whitlow said...

What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Anonymous said...

How awesome! Thanks for all the fun this week and best wishes for continued sucess with your blog!!

Valarie said...

Wow! What an awesome end to such a great week. Thanks for the opportunity to win these great prizes. Also a big thanks to Scor-pal. That is so great of them! Thanks for sharing everything you do and truly enjoy it all.

Lisa said...

Great prize, thanks for the opportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

It's been fun entering your blog candy draws and thinking about my answers. I haven't entered all of them, just the ones I thought I would actually use and enjoy. Congrats on your 200,000 hits and many more :)

Amber in Germany, soon to be Ontario

KimberlyO said...

I have to tell you that I have thoroughly enjoyed checking out all of the projects on your blog. :) I tend to check blogs when I need a break from work and yours is one of the first I head to!!


Nancy said...

I had a feeling a Scor-Pal would be today's give away. Maybe because I just received mine in yesterday's mail. *grin*
So if my name is picked for today's drawing...throw it away and pick someone else.
Thanks for a fun week and having a great blog!

terrily said...

Just love your ideas. The blog candy gifts are fabulous. Can't wait to see your new ideas.

Jennifer P said...

I love your blog. You are so creative! You have inspired me with all your creations. I subscribe through Feedblitz, however I check your blog so regularly that I have already seen it when the notification arrives.
Thanks for the oportunity to win!

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic! I have wanted to try one of these for a long time. Thanks for all your great ideas.


Bella Rose Creations said...

Your blogs is one of the first I started reading...because while I like to make cards. I LOVE to make gifts for people...and I am assemblying challenged...I can make the cute items but never know how to put them all together. Thank you for all of your ideas!

MHFdesigns said...

I'm a newcomer to the ScorPal. I've just been seeing samples on SCS (and on some blogs) and I'm pretty excited about this new (at least to me)tool. I think there are tons of possibilities and I would love to get to play with one. By the way, love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Rochelle - Fantastic end to your week of blog candy. Have been wanting a Scor Pal....will keep my fingers crossed.

Michele B.

Heather said...

Awesome prize!! Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! The gift sets have given me many cool ideas and I have used the for tons of gifts! Thanks a bunch :)

Tiya-B said...

thanks for the chance, although i've ordered the score pal one my sister would love not having to share mine and I love your blog

Anonymous said...


CAN I GET IT??????? I HOPE I WIN!!!!!!!!!

Looking forward to seeing more Rochelle creations next week!!! :-)



Tangii said...

ScorPals rock!!! Awesome idea Rochelle!!!! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I have seen some fantastic cards made with the Scor-Pal. Winning one of these would just be great! You rock!

Anonymous said...

Oh My how generous! Ihope I win!!!
I love your blog Congrats on the milestone!!
Dawn T

Anonymous said...

Please pick me! Please pick me! Please pick me! Please pick me! Please pick me! Please pick me! Please pick me!

PS: Please pick me!


Anonymous said...

AWESOME give away for your last day!!! Did you ever think you'd have this many readers???

Josh & Carri Calderwood said...

I love your blog! Your cards are always so cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow, how lucky I would be, love your blog way up here in Canada!

Anonymous said...

doing my daily check on blogs i like to visit each day and yours is on my list. I have received such inspiration from you and your talents and thank you for sharing your creations. Wow, what an opportunity for someone to win this; I have been considering getting one but have not taken the plunge yet; here is to hoping!


Jenn said...

Thanks for the great giveaways - and thanks to Diana for donating such a great prize!

Anonymous said...

Wow! You have had some great "candy" this week! I just so appreciate all the inspiration I receive from your blog. I also appreciate how quickly you respond to questions I have sent you. Thank you so much for sharing with the rest of us crafters.
Patricia F.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle. How di you know exactly what we wanted. The items you make with hte scr-pal are fabulous. Thanks for sharing your talent and looking forward to more inspiration to come! Good Luck! Doris in Onsted, MI

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness Rochelle - what a generous treat!! I have been wondering all week what the "big surprise" on Friday was going to be, but I did not imagine this! You must have been so excited all week waiting to post this one. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this!
Amanda T. from WV

Anonymous said...

Hello. My what wonderful blog candy you're giving away and you're wonderful for giving them! Always love your site and projects. Thanks for sharing your creativity!

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so generous of Diane! And you have been so generous as well! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

What awesome giveaways! You are very generous. I love reading your blog everyday. Love all of your creations and tutorials. Thanks for all the chances to win!

Sandra in NE

M said...

Well what does one say about this...about you...about this cool blog of yours? I say HURRAY! This whole blog thing has got to be fun for you. I know it' fun for me to check out. Love your samples, love your style, love this prize! How fun that you can reach so many people and put smiles on our faces. It's gotta make you feel good. I love seeing women do things they love. I am happy for you and wish you good things. Oh and I'm wishing for this must have tool. I would have to wait until Christmas to get one...unless you wanna make my day??!!

Love it and love your blog.

Take care and have an easy weekend.


Pearlann66 said...

TGIF!! what a super grand prize,
i cant type much today, cause i ripped off the fingernail on my left ring finger and I am a touch typist, so it is hard to type with out all 10 of my fingers!
love you blog thanks for the chance to win big!

Anonymous said...

*screams and shrills*

What a fabulous week!

Thank you again for sharing your talent. I love the popcorn project, and my 5 year old HAS to have the tic tac project for her birthday favors.

I love waking up to your site and dreaming about making one "JUST LIKE" your example.

Thank you also for taking the time to personally address me. That means a lot and makes it even more warm and mushy.

Continue to be amazing and do exceptional things. I'm addicted!

Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Wow what wonderful giveaways...Your blog is just wonderful to visit everyday.Love all the great things you make...

Alberta, Canada

Anonymous said...

So happy for you and your success in blogging!!! Just nabbed an idea from you on a bag topper!! Love your stuff!

Anonymous said...

I've had a great time reading your blog and have always heard that Diana from Scor-Pal was a generous lady. Great grand prize!

csroyal said...

Yes, Diana is pretty amazing, but I think you are right up there with her!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ya'll my name is Kathy from Fayetteville NC. I just love your blog. I can't wait to come home every day and see what you have created. (Sometimes I can't wait and I have to sneak on line at work)(Don't tell the boss okay). Thanks for all the great ideas that you share. LOVE LOVE LOVE YA.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I've been seeing the Scor-pal everywhere! I'm Beth from Clemmons, NC. All this blog stuff is new to me. It's been so much fun looking at your blog to see what's new everyday! Thanks for sharing.

AlexsMom said...

What a great prize! It was just the other day I was looking at purchasing the Scor Pal. Must be a sign!

Pam from Newfoundland

Val said...

What an awesome give away!!! I have heard so many wonderful things about the Scor Pal. I don't have one yet, but am thinking about getting one...maybe I won't have to!!!

otagogirl said...

(trembling weak knees) A Scor-pal? A SCOR-PAL!!! Get outta town!
You are so generous- and so is Diana!
What a great team!

Thanks for the chance at such an AWESOME prize- and congrats again on the hits!


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for all your inspiration! You rock!

Sally Watkins said...

Oh my, you are going all out for the big prize1 Very impressive! Congrats on you milestone. I wish you many, many more.

Us 4 Vol Fans said...

Rochelle, what a nice gift! You are awesome! Congrats on having an awesome blog with lots of visitors. It just goes to show how many people you touch through your blog.

Brenda said...

WOW! that is some great candy I have been wanting one of these for awhile I even had it on my wish list for my birthday and didn't get it.:( I love your blog and have you in my reader so I never miss a post, Thank you for all the inspiration, and the chance at this yummy candy.

Anonymous said...

I hope I win it before I can buy it. I just love free stuff. Thanks for providing us with great ideas day after day after day.

Sheila in South Carolina

Anonymous said...

WOW! How cool would this be???? I would LOVE to have one!
I visit your blog everyday!!

Sandy said...

WOOO HOOO!!! I can't believe it. What AWESOME blog candy! I'm never lucky, but whoever wins, WOW!
Sandy in Utah

Unknown said...

Congratulation's Rochelle. Thanks for the many ideas and a fun week. Keep the great ideas coming!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monika said...

CONGRATULATIONS on your blog hits! Great job, I am keeping my fingers crossed for this candy. It would come in so handy, cause I am making my brother-in-laws wedding invitations and the score pal would be perfect. Anyways keep up the great job and thank you again for a chance at winning.

Anonymous said...

You have us all drooling! Amazing give aways! Thanks for always making us want to see whats next on your blog. You are a great blogger.... Thanks for what you do.

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Wow!! Wow!! That's all I can say, it's even better than the big "C" thing I thought will be...CONGRATULATIONS to the big milestone! And thanks for being so generous to your blog friends : )

Monica said...

Your blog candy has been amazing!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! If I didn't say it before, you are amazing! I've only been viewing your website for a few weeks, but I can tell you are an incredibly generous person - to share all of your wonderful projects - and then all of this!

Again, congratulations on the milestone, and many more to come I'm sure.

Tania Gallegos

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! What an amazing giveaway! I really enjoy your blog and would love to win!
Nicole L.

Anonymous said...

just want to thank you for giving all of us the chance to win some of your great prizes! even if i don't win anything, i will still faithfully follow your blog and be inspired by your creative ideas. this has been such a fun week.........keep up the good work!
Sharon from Pa.

Miriam said...

What a wonderful grand prize! The Score Pal looks like an awesome tool with many uses. Thank you for the many opportunities to win and thank you for sharing your creativity and talents with all of us. Congratulations on a terrific blog!

Miriam said...

What a wonderful grand prize! The Score Pal looks like an awesome tool with many uses. Thank you for the many opportunities to win and thank you for sharing your creativity and talents with all of us. Congratulations on a terrific blog!

Wilma said...

OMG - what a fantastic prize! I never win anything, but I'd still like to say how much I enjoy your BLOG. I have to get my Google Reader fix every day after work!

jimlynn said...

What a wonderful grand prize....and you're a Grand lady for offering it......
Thank you, Rochelle, for all your ideas and inspiration and for being YOU!

nizza said...

Rochelle, Congrats on the 200,000 - WOW!! I love your blog. Thanks to you and also Diana for having the opportunity to "scor" a Scor Pal!

Anonymous said...

Love you blog!!! Congrat on that many hits. I started a blog and no way am I that successful. You rock and I love your works. Sue M

Elaine said...

This has to be one of the best blog giveaways yet!

Thanks for so much fun and so many chances to win!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, I've been dying to get a score pal for awhile now! Thanks for the great blog goodies!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh, I've been dying to get a score pal for awhile now! Thanks for the great blog goodies!

Sandra Smart said...

What??!! Oh my gosh Rochelle, I cannot even believe you are giving away a score pal. I really really really want one of them but have had to hold off. Thank you so much for the chance to win! And don't thank us for visiting your blog...thank you for all of the wonderful things you post that keep us all coming back!

Denise G said...

WOW! This is fantastic candy. I have always wanted one of these neat tools. They look like they would be so helpful creating!

Congratulations! Love your blog!
Denise G

Charmaine said...

Wow! This is on my wish list...thanks for the chance to win.


Anonymous said...

Goodies, goodies, goodies galore...
It's hare to believe you are giving more!
A chance for a crafter to win this candy,
Am awesome tool that will come in handy!
So I'm thanking you,
Appreciatively~ Me2

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I can't believe what you are giving away--the dream tool. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to share your beautiful work with us all. I know that your blog will continue to be a huge success:)

Kim's Korner said...

Words just can't express how great it would be to win the grand prize. You are a great inspiration to all us bloggers and stampers. Keep up the good work!!! Look forward to hearing from you.

Just Me said...

Oh my!!! how generous! I thought the other items were great.. this is FANTASTIC!!!! Thank you for the chance to win!

Beth Redding said...

Oh WOW! I am jumping up and down shouting me, me, please pick me!!! I so need this to recreate even more of your wonderful projects.
Well girlfriend, you said the Grand Prize was going to be grand and you certainly weren't kidding!
Congrats on the huge success of your blog, you really deserve it!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Wow! Would love to win this for my daughter. She makes the cutest cards and party invitations but has limited supplies and we live 30 minutes apart so it's not always convenient for her to come borrow "Mama's" things.

Anonymous said...

OH MY!!!! What a SUPER Grand Prize! All your prizes have been wonderful. Have a great holiday weekend!

Kim said...

Thank you so much for the opp.. Congrats and hope to see many more of your blogs. Thank you for all your help.

Anonymous said...

wow....look at all the comments. I hear about you all the time from Joanna and enjoy your site also!! What a neat thing to give away!!! Keep up the great work. lacee

Adoree said...

Congratulations on your milestone and the awesome chance to win1 your blogsite......visit here everyday for your creativity and inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I love to visit your blog! I love your AWESOME gift sets. Thank you for helping me see that I can do it, too!

Anonymous said...

I check your blog site daily it is one of my favorites. I can't hardly wait to check to see all of your wonderful creations. I love it and have made several items with your wonderful directions. Thanks for sharing your creativity. Can you post where we can purchase the items you have given away. I would love to purchase the Scor Pal items. Cindy Camby, IN

Margaret Moody said...

Your many beautiful and inspiring creations and your use of the Scor-Pal has inspired my desire for one of these amazing tools. My 15 yr. old daughter knew how very much I wanted one for Mother's Day, but didn't know where to find one. Instead, she asked if she could use my scrapbook and cardmaking supplies to make me a card (which was beautiful) for Mother's Day. She proudly presented the card to me with two $20 bills (earned from a recent babysitting job) enclosed and a note telling me to buy a Scor-Pal because she knew how very much I wanted one. Isn't that so sweet? I haven't ordered one yet because I hate to spend her money. I think I'll take her out to her favorite restaurant to celebrate the school year ending instead. I love your blog and your creations! Keep them coming!
Margaret M. in Texas

Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle.....
Margaret is showing me how to comment on your blog.... LOL So this is a test, only a test, in the case of a real emergency you would be notified ....blah blah blah

Nancy in OC

Maria H. said...

Rochelle: Wow! What a fun week this has been. I read your blog everyday, but it's been extra fun waiting for this to load to see what is coming next. I appreciate you taking the time to blog as often as you do, and sharing what you do with us! Awesome work! Have a good holiday weekend, and thanks to all who have served for the rest of us to stay safe! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your wonderful blog! I love all the ideas I get from here!

Shannon Roberts said...

You are such an inspiration!! How generous!! Thanks for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Rochelle, Your blog is AWESOME! Wish I was your next door neighbor or better yet sister. You have some great ideas. Thanks for sharing and for letting me be part of yet another great giveaway.

CreativeMish said...

OMG! This is fabulous! I've seen so many blogs with things made using this but I've never actually seen the tool. It would be sooooo nice to have. I currently use my paper trimmer and embossing tool to score my paper! I'm really drooling looking at this! What an amazing prize!

Anonymous said...

you are an inspiration--LOL--I have copied many of your projects--my day is not complete until i check your blog to see what is new--thanks for your ideas!!

Terry said...

Congratulations on your milestone! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration you post. I always look forward to seeing what comes next! A Scor-Pal!! What a wonderful grand prize give away. I have wanted one for a l-o-n-g time - so I hope my name pops up! Have a great weekend!

Sarah said...

No no no, thank YOU for giving us this chance to win all this fun stuff! I would loveee to get this score pal!

Congrats on your 200,000 blog hits!

-Sarah Bolton

Anonymous said...

Wow the Scor-Pal really? I have heard so much about this tool but have yet to buy it. Thanks so much for giving away such great gifts and I will continue to visit your blog for more great ideas. :o) Once again, congrats on your blog milestone!!


Elsie said...

wow a scor pal!! what a great giveaway! thanks for the chance to win! congratulations again..

Alicia said...

Congrats to you!!!

Alicia :)

Cassidy said...

congrats on the blog hits! All of your creations are awesome.Thanks for being inspiring!:)What a cool give away. I actually have never used that before but know it would be handy to have.

Latisha said...

Wow a scorepal!!! Best blog candy EVAH!!!
On a side note, are you getting rain up in Sac too? We are having thunderstorms down here its crazy

mommyabbytommy said...

What a great prize!! I am so inspired by your blog. Thanks for such great ideas and easy to follow directions as well. Here's to the next 200,000 hits!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a GRAND PRIZE to give away; and so sweet of her to donate it. Your ideals of projects are so wonderful; thank you for sharing them with us on your blog and on yahoogroups. Congratulations on your 200,000 hits.

Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! Now that's a grand Grand Prize! I've always wanted one of these. Keep up the good work! I look forward to getting your blog updates. Thanks. - Kristin

Anonymous said...

Rochelle - Your blog is awesome - thank you so much for the daily dose of inspiration. I want a Scor Pal only because I've seen the fantastic things you've made with it. It's a tool on my "wish" list....thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a way to cap off the week! WIsh me luck :)
But I am missing all of your great creations this week! Congrats on the hits! Lisa NH

Sheri said...

Grand prize indeed! WOW how nice of you to offer these ScorPal items. A great GRAND PRIZE. Thanks for th opportunity


Kathi said...

Wow! What generosity! I love the 3-D items you make - very inspirational. Thanks for all the time you put in your blog.

Kathy said...

I love your blog - Wow what a grand prise. Thanks for all your inspiration.

Jennifer Orbaker said...

It is like Christmas on your blog this week! Great blog candy! I would love a scor-pal after seeing all the great things you've made with it! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Anonymous said...

WOW! You truly are something!!!! You are ALWAYS thinking of others!! I am truly appreciative. Thank you for being such a tremendous resource!!

Being a winner is just finding YOUR site!!! (BUT, I do hope I win a prize) LOL!!!!

Truly, thanks for all you do!


Unknown said...

I love your page, I check it every morning for inspiration for my own work. Thanks for the opp. for items I have not worked with.

Betty Jo said...

Really like your pages. Would love to win a prize.

Anonymous said...

Wow, my jaw hit the computer desk when I saw this grand prize! Very generous! I enjoy your blog very much and I stop by all too often!?!? Thanks for sharing and congrats on such a blog milestone!

Suzanne Milam said...


Unknown said...

OMG! What fabulous blog candy! I have been wanting one of these forever! Maybe I'll luck out. I love your blog too! Congrats on your 200K hits!

Unknown said...

what an amazing grand finale! Better than AI! LOL.

Happy 200K to you once again!


WandaG_CT said...

What a great prize. Thanks for the chance to win. Has been a great week. Wanda in CT

jackie said...

wowza!!! what else can one say with such a great prize - love your creations and blog keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Whoo-ee! What a grand prize!! Thanks again for all you share with all of us!!

Crafts by Heidi said...

Congratulations!!! TY for sharing your achievements with us!!


Anonymous said...

How wonderful!! Your blog is so inspiring. I visit often. I have been wanting to try the Scor-Pal. Thanks so much for the opportunity to participate in such a generous giveaway!!


Anonymous said...

I love all your posts and projects. Congratulations, your blog is superb!

Anonymous said...

Your blog candy offers have been fun, even if I don't win anything. I've never signed up for anything like this before, but it's a bit addicting, just waiting to see what the next "candy" is, lol. Your blog is a huge inspiration to me and I thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. It's no wonder you've reached 200,000 hits! I love all of your ideas and hope you keep them coming.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend:)
Sherry Strack

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to thank you for all your inspiration, and your so very talented.. I check your blog with 2 others every morning before i do anything to see what great ideas you may have in store for me... and its no wonder you have hit 200,000 hits thank you for sharing your wonderful work with us ...

I never enter these things and I am sure i wont win but i had to tell you congrats n your hits and what you mean to me as a friend..even tho we have never meet.

thank you again

Cherie said...

Rochelle, I love your blog and I visit it every day. You are so talented and creative and I thank you for sharing it with us. Have a great holiday weekend.

A said...

This is like getting to celebrate your birthday for a whole week or Christmas. You are so generous with the givaways this week...Thanks to Diana for donating the Scor-Pal!!!

Tai said...

Hi Rochelle:

You are really talented and thanks for a chance to win a scor pal.


slimpbaulos said...

Hi, I just love getting my e-mail everyday just to see what you have sent me. I am inspired by your enthusiasm. I would love to have a Scor pal as well! Keep up the good work! Many thanks!! Pat

Dianna said...

First and foremost, congratulations on having more than 200,000 visitors on your blog! I've enjoyed your blog for quite some time and have been truly inspired. Your "kisses under the tent" are a staple for my son's classroom parties.

Thank you for the inspiration and again, Congratulations!