Wednesday, February 20, 2008

"Easter Stamp Give A Way"

Did y'all know that Easter is on March 23rd? A little too early for me this year. I didn't have anything to post today, I am finishing up a couple gift sets that are long over due. So why not give something away!! I had to go to Michael's to pick up something for the gift sets and BAM! I scored with the $1 Easter Stamps. I got a few for me and a few for you. Leave me a comment on this post and tell me if you have any Easter Traditions at your house. Maybe it is a special dinner you have or someplace you go, or if someone special comes over every year. That will get you in the drawing for these cute Easter stamps. I will draw a name on Saturday and announce the winner on Sunday. Good Luck!

Here is an Easter tradition that we do. I don't know of anyone else that does it so please if you do this, tell me so I don't think that just my family is weird. LOL We take the colored hard boiled eggs and roll them in the living room. First we get a ramp. Sometimes it is a big piece of cardboard sometimes it is a big piece of wood (like a door) We prop the ramp on a chair. Then we put 3 eggs randomly on the floor. We then give everyone 6 eggs and the oldest goes first and the youngest goes last. We roll one egg at a time and try to smash into another egg. Then the next person rolls one egg. And so on. If you hit an egg you pick up yours that you rolled and the one you hit. The winner is the one with the most eggs. What do you win? Bragging rights for a whole year.


Anonymous said...

Every year at Easter I always have an Easter Egg hunt in the back yard for the grandchildren, they each have their own basket and love finding the colored eggs with prizes inside. Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy.

Nancy Kelly said...

Cute stamps! Easter traditions? Well, the church services all week long, my son's birthday on Easter (this year!), plastic egg hunt outside and hard-boiled egg hunt inside, ham dinner.....I think that's enough!
-Nancy Ann

Anonymous said...

LOVE those stamps!
Not exactly sure why but when I was a kid and we would go to my grandparents house on the Cape my grandmother would hid peanuts (still in the shell) around her house instead of an easter egg hunt. They would be under the lamp shades and in the window sill! Never got any candy though :(

Lauri said...

That is not weird at all! We used to hide hardboiled eggs around the house! Wendy..I bet your grandmother hid the peanuts in case you did not find them all! NOthing like trying to find that last hardboiled egg before it goes bad!

Courtney said...

I am afraid my DH would take your tradition a little to far. We always hunt for baskets, then off to church, and finally to my MIL for lunch. This year may be different as my dd makes her 1st communion and we may celebrate that weekend at our house.

Anonymous said...

How fun! We always do the egg coloring even though my sons are grown and too old to hunt for them. Then church services and a nice lunch. Those stamps are sooo cute! I'd love to win!!!

Melissa said...


Church and dinner is always a must for us. Last year our church rented out the Rose Garden in Portland Oregon (home of the Trail Blazers) and it was awesome!

And you can't celebrate Easter without some good food!

Many Blessings,

dawnmercedes said...

We have "Secular Saturday" at our house. Friday night, we dye the eggs..usually raw eggs b/c no one likes hard boiled eggs here. Then the kids wake up on Saturday morning and the Easter Bunny has come! He has even left flour footprints/trail in our kitchen in some years.

We laugh and play and do fun things...egg hunts, movies, bowling, whatever. And then Sunday comes, the kids aren't so terrible crazy during church services. And Easter Sunday is left for the spiritual side of Easter!

Anonymous said...

I always make Dr. Suess style rhymes with clues, which lead to more clues, until the kids find their Easter hiding places...our shower, the dryer, the furnace room, under their beds! it is lots of fun...our kids are still young (7 and 9) the riddles in the clues were fun. they also hunt for candy filled plastic eggs in the living room. Yummy candy and chocolate before breakfast!


Liz Moruzi

Anonymous said...

no traditions at our house--BUT I wanted to say i have visited your blog quite regularly for the past month--I can not believe how you keep so up to date with your postings--I enjoy peaking at your work!

Dana said...

Too funny! That sounds like A BLAST if you ask me! We're still making our traditions but one I've carried over from my days growing up are the easter bunny hiding eggs around our house (outside if it's nice, inside if it isn't). He always leaves white tracks near the baskets and sometimes MONEY in the eggs!

Jan Scholl said...

I usually break out the seed catalogs and plan my gardens but not this year-way too early. I usually can't plant til mid May or so anyways. so I will still be semi hibernating.

JoAnna Goodman said...

This is not a tradition, but more of a story. The only way we could get Alyssa to give up her pacifer when she was little was leave it out for the Easter Bunny in exchange for an Easter basket. We had tried so many other things, but this worked! She never looked backed or whined for it!

Latisha said...

The kids wake up and the easter bunny mysteriously has left a basket for them. This year they are older so I think I will decorate some gable boxes I bought from papertreyink. We always have a really big dinner, usually ham, mashed potatos, rolls etc...the kids get new easter outfits every year. Depending on where we live we go to a egg hunt. My husband is in the navy & different parts of the country have different traditions {we move a lot!} Its cool because at my son's school they do egg hunts using plastic eggs. Its neat to see all of the kids dressed up at school that day. The stamps are really cute, I didn't see them at my Michael's. What a fun idea, about what your family does, my kids would love that!

Jennifer Orbaker said...

I have never heard of a game like that with the Easter eggs before, how fun! Sounds like you all really get into it. We used to all go to my parent's house for a nice dinner, but my parents have since moved to Florida. So now it's Easter baskets in the morning, followed by Church service, and then everyone comes over to our house for a nice dinner. We usually color the Easter eggs a few days before with the kids, and have deviled eggs with dinner!

JenniferL. said...

We don't really have any easter traditions other than the kids getting new church clothes and a basket of goodies.

Anonymous said...

How sweet of you! Just an Easter egg hunt for us. Dinner is usually at my SIL's house. Thanks for a chance and, I love your long cards!

ThreadCatcher said...

We used to hide the Easter baskets but now that the kids are grown we just have one big basket of candy for all to share. Church followed by meeting the extended family for brunch at a restaurant does it for us. Cute stamps; hope I win! jmniffer

stampermommy said...

Like Dawn, we have two Easter celebrations in our home. Easter Bunny comes on Saturday with baskets of goodies for the kids. We dye eggs, play games, etc. Sunday is reserved for the religious aspects of Easter. On Sunday, we also have Easter dinner at my hubby's grandmother's house..BIG, BIG gathering!!

A said...

We've never played that game but boy does it sound like fun. My kids would love it!! We do the typical dying eggs, egg hunt and baskets. Nothing exciting. But this year who knows we may just roll eggs.

Alex said...

That's too too funny - I was laughing when I finished reading this Rochelle! And, those stamps are really really cute! We have a pretty typical Easter - we color eggs, we hid them, they find them and I give them great baskets. Not too much candy, more things they can use (like movie tickets, etc.). We always have a really nice dinner too. Thanks for the chance! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Melissa said...

What a fun bunch of stamps to win!

We always get up early for the Sunrise Service on Easter morning. Done it since the first year we were married and the kids actually enjoying doing it as well! Then we stay for breakfast at church. When we get home, we distract the boys and I go hide eggs outside. My oldest one has figured out that I go out and hide them, but he's always still eager to find them!

Then we just enjoy the day as a family!!

Regina Cornelius said...

traditions???? we, before our DD, always made it a tradition to attend sunrise service and then the breakfast that our church put on. since our DD, i would have to say hte tradition is the normal things...coloring eggs as a "family" not just mom rushing to get it done.
thanks for the blog candy!

Anonymous said...

ok for the few weeks before eater. I only crack the shell a very small amt. we then save those die them and fill them with confetti they are called coscaronesso anyway on easter sunday after chuch my kids get to crack the eggs on eachothers head. ts very fum makes great pics but its quite a mess.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle! Our neighborhood has an Easter tradition - a hunt and party for all the children. We have 73 homes - a small and quaint little community. Well, because I didn't want to see the tradition end, I've headed up the party every year - it's exciting to begin planning for it. We always have a hunt, jelly bean count, and treats - last year I began the tradition of an Easter craft - we did handprint tiles. This year we are doing glass ornament eggs with paint squirted inside to give them a "marbled" look. I will create tags and place them in cello bags with easter grass. I don't know who gets more excited - me or them!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm not sure if the same food counts as a tradition or not? :-) I always make bunny biscuits for breakfast on Easter. My 4 year old gets a kick out of that. My Mom made them when we were all little too, and I remember thinking how fun they were to eat! Ears were always first! Thanks for the inspiration on your blog!

Alyssa said...

Ha! I love your egg-rolling! My husband and kids would get a kick out of it! We do the Resurrection eggs -- we hide easter eggs with trinkets/verses in them around the house (or outside, if the weather is decent) for the kids to find, then we talk about the story of Easter and our salvation through Jesus. And the Easter bunny comes, of course, complete with new jammies for the kids and a few treats (always a book and a bag of candy).
-Alyssa (SBS10)

Whimsey said...

Adorable stamps!

LOVE the egg rolling competition; those are some serious bragging rights! LOL

SBS10 Sistah!

Lastel said...

Cute stamps and what a fun tradition ! You have been tagged , check out my blog for details ! SBS10 sistah

Cathy said...

Cute stamps. l always hide a basket for my daughter and this past few years she has lived onher own, l allways go over to see her just before Easter and l hide abit of money in a card to help her out.So every Easter l call her and tell her to start looking.. This will be my 3rd year doing this..

Amy said...

LOVE these cute stamps! Thanks for the chance to win! Our traditions include coloring eggs and hiding and finding them--if it's the year to be at the in-laws that means a bunch of eggs...each child brings 1 doz. to color and MIL has 3-6 doz to color in addition. There are 9 grandchildren....the dads and oldest cousin hide the eggs around the farm (a small family farm) and the hunt begins. My FIL gives $ prizes to all the kids for finding the eggs.

The week prior to Easter we read the account in the Bible of Jesus' trial, etc., and we celebrate our own family communion.

Thanks again!

Crafts by Heidi said...

Thank you for the wonderful stories everyone!! This is so sweet of you to offer this giveaway to us also!! Happy Easter everyone!!

Heidi Sorg

Lori A. said...

We always color hard boiled egg and have an easter egg hunt in our backyard. There have been a few times we had to have it in the house due to the weather (yes, we actually had snow in Texas on Easter one year!).
We also go to an egg (candy, really) hunt at our church.

Anonymous said...

Love the stamps...I think traditions change as your life changes. Kids grow up and then you change to accomodate their lives. The things that stay 'tradional' are love of the family and celebration that Jesus rose from the dead.

jackie said...

cute stamps...we traditionally have a Palm Sunday dinner with my side of the family and then on Easter we can all stay home or celebrate with the other has been like that since I was a baby and i am 50! (i did not just admit that!) have a great Easter and thanks for the chance to win

Shannon Roberts said...

We just do the whole colored egg thing on Saturday night but I am luvin your crazy tradition!!!!!! Ok so I guess kind of a newer tradition (this will be the 3rd year) We help serve Easter Sunday Breakfast at Church. This way my Junior High kids earn their way to Summer Camp in Colorado but, I tell you it is soooo fun & soooo yummy. Then after church we see what the Easter Bunny dropped off @ home (while we were gone) Then I start cooking, again! For Easter lunch/dinner. Then an EASTER EGG HUNT!!! I luv Easter it is my Favorite Holiday of the YEAR!

Dawn said...

We do the Resurrection Eggs and a plastic egg hunt for the kids at my mom's. Inside their eggs are numbered prizes. Oh - we decorate real eggs too. Those are cute Easter stamps - funny I don't own many of those. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Neat tradition you have! My sister hosts Easter dinner since my mother passed away to we always go there. Hide a few eggs and eat way too much!

Cute stamps and thanks for the chance to win.

Bev J.

Brandi said...

Unfortunately, our holiday traditions have faded quite a bit since I was a kid...I hope to re-invent some though for my little guy to carry on with him! Your Easter tradition sounds great...and quite different!
Thanks for the great site...your cards and other crafts are WONDERFUL!

Anonymous said...

First off, thank you so very much for this opportunity. I have been inspired by many of your designs and treats.

The only tradition that has been consistent is that my son's Easter basket is the same one my husband used as a child and my daughter's Easter basket is the same one I used as a child.

Anonymous said...


Every year at our house the kids dyed boiled eggs and then everyone hunted the eggs. (No one is too old to help hunt eggs!!)

This is the one time when everyone in the family tries to get together.

Thanks for the chance to win some stamps. I love your blog and cards.

Dorothy W.

Anonymous said...

Our Easter tradition was to always go to my grandmothers and have breakfast together with all of her homemade treats!

Unknown said...

We have an Egg hunt in the yard with our girls and the neighbor kids. I fill the plastic eggs with goodies and some with paper saying what number the gift basket is that they won. Put it this way as they are sorting the stash my entire kitchen table gets full of goodies. They do have to take time to put the egg pieces back so we have them for next year.

Happy weekend!

Michelle said...

What a great idea to put onto your blog!! Had lots of fun reading thru the ideas for Easter Traditions! Love yours too. Will be trying that out this year I'm sure.
thanks Rochelle!
Michelle SBS10

Susan said...

my daughter, dawnmercedes, just directed me to you, she raved about how creative you are. And she's correct. Thanx for the good ideas and the great instructions. So while i was here I decided to have my try at winning your blogcandy. But even if i don't win the candy, i've won by all the other good info i got from you. Thanx.


Anonymous said...

We usually go to our daughter's house for dinner and then Papa hides the eggs outside for the grandkids to find. After a couple of hunts that way the grandkids hide the eggs and Papa has to look for them. Thanks for the chance to earn more blog candy. Linda Gray

Anonymous said...

Hi Rochelle,
The stamps are so cute. We don't have traditions much any more, the kids are older (no grandchildren yet) and my MIL and her sister are in the nursing home. So no big family dinners any more. Last year even DH had to work. But Easter is one of my favorite holidays. So this year just the 2 of us will go to church and maybe eat out.

Acie said...

I love love these stamps and cant get them in the uk :o( anyways when i was in school (just a few years ago ;oP) we used to spend allll afternoon decorating hard boild eggs then go out in to the school yard climb up the huge grassy hill then roll them down it! ruined! whoevers went the furthest and stayed intacked (won) At home we used to roll chocolate eggs across the floor at the wall so as they would smash in to pieces. :o) Love the blog, just added your link to mine when i noticed this post. (hope you dont mind)