Friday, January 04, 2008

"Rain Rain Go Away"

This is what we woke up to this morning. We are getting a bad storm here in Sacramento. 60 to 85mph winds. We pretty much get the same storm every January. A couple years ago we had the section to the left of this one blow down. The poles are rotten and they just snap at the ground.

I took the girls to school and when I came home there was another section down. The wind and rain is going to be bad all weekend. They said that tomorrow is going to be worse than today. Today is also garbage day. Everyone's cans are all over the streets. I had to get out of my car twice in the mile drive to the school to move cans so I could drive down the street.

Now three panels are down and I am thinking that the whole thing is going to go by tomorrow. I think I have a plan to get back home to Minnesota. I am going to pack a small bag for everyone and give them all umbrellas. Then the wind can blow us back home. Sounds like a good plan ha? HA HA HA HA. I have to laugh to keep from crying.


  1. Oh no! You can send some of that rain my way. We are supposed to get a little wet this weekend - but I don't mind it a bit - so long as I can play in my craft room! Hope everything settles down for you!

    Andrea (in Arizona)

  2. I'm with ya Rochelle! We have the same storm coming though Washington today and all this weekend. Sunday and Monday are supposed to bring a little snow and boy is it cold!

    Hang on to your britches down there!

    Many Blessings,

  3. Does not look like fun at all, hope it has all blown past by now and you had no more dammage. Your umbrella story is really cute.

  4. Batton down the hatches and sit tight! This might be a great opportunity to get more stamping done. Take care!

  5. Sorry your fence panels are blown down. Stay in and stay dry!

  6. I heard about the California storms. I hope everything is getting better for you!

  7. Rochelle,
    I too live in Cali and have the unfortunate pleasure of this storm. Your pitures of the fence look like what happened to two of our neighbors from the last rainstorm. The rain is now where I am in Temecula, ca and has been here for 2 days. Hope it's done now.

  8. Thanks for personalizing the storm for us here in the East. I'll never think of it as just a storm somewhere again! We had rain here yesterday that froze on the the roads and our driveway before we got home last night, and it was really scary. Thankfully, we made it up our driveway safely. My son was driving all 7 of us in his van (we had just spent 2 days in Virginia for my MIL's funeral) so they all stayed over and left this afternoon when the temps rose to over 40. By Tuesday, we're supposed to be in 60-degree weather. Then back to winter again later in the week--crazy! But such is life in the Northeast...


Thank you for taking the time to comment on this post. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day!